Computer Software for Steel Professionals
Tekla Export Directions

The Tekla software system can export a bill of material to a file that Structural Material Manager can import. We at E.J.E. Industries are sometimes asked just how that file is to be produced. While we are not affiliated with Tekla and cannot provide exact steps for doing so, an experienced Tekla user has suggested the following procedure:
- Open a project within the Tekla application.
- Click File=>Export=>MIS.
- Select E.J.E. from the pull down in the MIS type.
- Use the browse button to choose the destination of the file.
- Choose "create all" to make an .eje file for the entire model, or choose "create selected" to make an .eje file for only the selected items.
The above steps will work properly in Tekla Version 16.0. We at E.J.E. Industries have no way to know if the procedure is the same in older or newer Tekla releases. Please contact Tekla's Support Department directly if there is any doubt as to whether the steps above apply to your Tekla version.
The Tekla software system sometimes exports the centerline-to-centerline length from the model rather than the actual item length. A Structural Material Manager user can then receive an .eje file that contains items that are longer in some cases than the lengths shown on the bill of material. Click here to learn how to make the appropriate setting in Tekla so that only exact cut lengths will be exported to Structural Material Manager.
Whereas this Web page has focused just on data transfers from Tekla in particular, you can follow this link for information on importing from CAD systems in general.